Global Business and Finance Review (GBFR) is an international peer-reviewed research journal that is covered by following databases
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The Global Business and Finance Review
(GBFR) is an international high-quality, open access, and double-blind peer-reviewed journal, which has been published since 1995.
The GBFR is published monthly on the last day of each month by the People and Global Business Association (P&GBA). The P&GBA is an international business research organization with the primary goal of establishing and developing a new paradigm of financially sustainable people-centered management, as opposed to capital and material-centered management which emphasizes instrumental rationality and efficiency. This international association is a registered-member of the United Nation Global Compact(UNGC). The scope of topics covered in the GBFR includes domestic or international management functions for financial sustainability and people-centered global business.
GBFR is included in the following internationally renowned indexing/abstracting services: SCOPUS, KCI, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Infobase Index, Scientific Indexing Services, I2OR, EconBiz, AcademicKeys, EconLit, ProQuest, ResearchBib, Crossref, Ulrich¡¯s Database, and many more citation database in the world. GBFR has been indexed in Elsevier¡¯s SCOPUS, the largest abstract and citation database in the world since 2014.
The primary objective of the Global Business and Finance Review (GBFR, pISSN 1088-6931, eISSN 2384-1648) is to provide the most user-friendly platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students from all over the world. The GBFR pursues to help authors to impart and share their knowledge in the form of empirical and theoretical research papers and case studies for financial sustainability and people-centered global business. The GBFR asks you to find exceptional benefits below and invite authors to contribute articles on domestic or international business topics for possible publication in the upcoming issues.